Hello sweet loves! A few weeks ago I have the pleasure of working with a group of my friends on a photoshoot for hijulez and I am so excited to share some of my favourite pictures with you!
A big thank you to my lovely and talented friends Reece Voyer, Gabby Lambert, Maddy Hermas, and Jasmine Cambon for the fun filled work day. Shout out to Tedd Thompson to rocking his first photoshoot EVER for hijulez com :')
They are all artist but here's a quick lil intro into what mediums they work in! Reece is a very knowledgeable photographer extraordinaire. Gabby is a stylist and film director with flair. Maddy is a makeup artist, designer and roller bladder (watch out!), Jasmine is a mixed media artist from painting to tattooing to modelling. Aside from being rly cool and awesome they are all such great friends <3
ALRIGHT NOW Feast your eyes on hijulez editorial July 2020:

<3 Modelling by Maddy Hermas, Photography by Reece Voyer, Styling and Location by Gabrielle Lambert, Assist by Jasmine Cambon. Clothing by hijulez!

See you in August ;)