This year's Reassembled Show in LA was from March 9 to 10, and hijulez was invited to be part of it! Below are some pictures and thoughts from myself, and some quotes from Orchid, who came with me!
Hi guys. Writing this from the Reassembled show in Los Angeles. My first international trade show!
LA Fashion District
I am so excited to be here, thank you SO much for having me Adele :) Every time I have gone to a show or market, I learn so much! Here’s what I learnt this time around.
- Stress less. Everything will work out or it won’t. I had a large amount of anxiety about travelling for this show. I was worried about customs, the COVID-19 virus, about my suitcases getting lost, about customs, etc. But in hindsight, allllll the time I spent worrying, did me no good. Worry less about the things you can’t control and focus on the ones you have control over.
- Are you invited to a show that has a public list of vendors before hand? I was! Next time I think I will reach out to brands before hand to introduce myself. The people I meet at trade shows are often the best and it can be really helpful to have already made a few connections before going in!
- Figure out something free as a GIVEAWAY. It is hard enough to drum up business when you are in a room with exceptional brands. Having something inexpensive to give to people who are interested, is a sure fire way to get people to remember you. For this event, I had planned to have silk scarves at the ready for this exact reason but unfortunately they were not ready in time. C’est la vie.
- Ask more questions to the organizer of the event. Ask everything that comes into your mind! In the worst case, they don’t answer. But, in the best case you will get answers to the questions you need answered.
I was thrilled when Julie asked if I could join her to promote hijulez in LA this weekend! There was so much that I learned from her and the amazing women we met. I walked around and talked to all the different entrepreneurs.
We gained a lot from each others' personal stories and I saw how passion and history was a big part of every makers' line: from spinal injuries leading to unique back statement designs in a fashion line; to wanting perfume-free skincare and making it happen. My biggest takeaway for you guys is that if there's something that you feel is missing in the world, go out and make it. Be the solution you want to see in the world.
—Orchid Chen
All the names of the vendors printed on the window.
Can you see hijulez? :)