Holidye 2019 @ hijulez

Holidye 2019 @ hijulez

This year we wanted to do a little something different for Black Friday, in the spirit of living up to our commitment for #nonewfabrics.

With the hopes of helping you fall back in love with some of your old clothes, hijulez is offering complimentary dyeing from November 29th - December 10th.

Tell your friends... The IG highlight did say one item per person but you know I'm expecting more ;)

I am really excited about this initiative!!! I hope to be able to do this yearly since I am having too much fun already. It is Day 2 of the initiative and I have received 8 items. I will wait a few more days before I prepare the first round of dyes! I have requests for blue and orange/fuchsia thus far.

Just to recap, the option of dyes are: blue (from indigo), fuchsia (from cochineal, orange (from yellow onion skins) and purple (from logwood).

I took before pictures and am going to share the end results as well!



 More to be added soon!



Not pictured are the cotton bedsheets and the quilt duvet! Today is December 2nd. I think I will do the first batch of dyeing on the 5th and the second batch on the 10th :)
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