These are the three flower beds I am starting with. I may add a fourth for an even number tbh but that is to be determined later. I haven't really worked heavily on this garden since grade 9 and I was an avid food blogger and enjoyed using lots of my own produce. Between the ages of 14-17 I grew so much produce but after that I seemed to totally loose my green thumb?? Crops went bad for a few years and I didn't keep at it but I am back! Aged 22 I shall make these boxes smt special :) Here are pictures from when I was 15 for motivation of what it will look like and what it will yield
This will be an ongoing project with updates as they come. I have started a bunch of seeds inside, others are in the dirt already. I need to get more seeds but depending on the world's status with going outside I may have to do something else and order them online.
It is now a few weeks later then ^ and I have been doing plenty of research into the plants I want in my garden. For both dyeing purposes and also the making of home grown remedies. Before I list what I have my mind set on growing let me tell you exactly what I already have in the garden:
-Camellia tree
-Sumac (for dyeing)
.. I think that's it.
I would like to see the following in my garden:
-Marigolds (for dyeing)
-Calendula (for dyeing)
-Onions (for dyeing and eating)
-String beans (for eating, love string beans)
-Peppermint (for dyeing, drinks and home remedies)
-Kale (for kale cashew ceasar salads yas!)
-Lavender (for home remedies, and under your pillow filled pouches)
-Basil!!! (for everything)
-Dahlias (for admiring and dyeing)
-Holly hocks (for dyeing)
-Sunflowers (for dyeing)